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17 imagesThe Seris are an indigenous group of the Mexican state of Sonora. The majority reside on the Seri communal property in the towns of Punta Chueca and El Desemboque on the mainland coast of the Gulf of California. Tiburón Island and San Esteban Island. They were historically seminomadic hunter-gatherers who maintain an intimate relationship with both the sea and the land. It is one of the ethnic groups of Mexico that has most strongly maintained its language and culture during the years after contact with Spanish and Mexican cultures.
42 galleriesI began my life-long passion for documentary photography during my Peace Corps assignment in Malaysia, 1969-1970. Although I worked briefly for the University of Colorado daily newspaper, the Coloradan, before graduation in 1969, I was not fully aware of the importance of photojournalism. That changed dramatically between the years of 1971-1977. After a short-term employment with the Colorado Outward Bound School I took my initial newspaper job with the Canyon Courier in Evergreen. My first real break came in the fall of 1972 when I began working as a full-time photographer for the Sentinel Newspapers, a group of weekly publications in the Denver suburban communities. There was a staff of three photographers at the time and the visual needs for the eleven different publications kept us extremely busy. In the mid-1970’s there was, of course, no internet, digital photography, or social media. Newspapers were entering their golden era, post-Watergate, when it was possible to go to the farthest shores for stories. I began my career covering the lives of local Denver residents and occasionally projects in the American West. I rarely traveled more than 50 miles for a story. This was community journalism in my hometown.
54 galleriesProvidence high school seniors from Clarksville, Indiana took on the challenge of making a parachute jump as part of their 2-day Mini-course the school offered. The group went to the Green County skydiving school located near Bardstown, KY for the experience.
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55 imagesThirty years after the Khmer Rouge, life for most Cambodians is still a nightmare. The current government is barbarous and avaricious. While Cambodia's government plunders the nation and inflicts almost unimaginable misery upon its people, many nations are either unaware or basically turn away. The U.S. State Department says Cambodia's record "remains poor," citing arbitrary arrests, endemic corruption, forced evictions over land disputes, and continued human trafficking. The citizens, for the most part, are among the most abused people in the world. Most of them maintain a lifestyle similar to their ancient ancestors: no electricity, running water, paved roads, or sanitation. For 80% of the Cambodia's population of 13.7 million, life has not changed substantially in hundreds of years. The Khmer Rouge regime of the 1970's brought unimaginable terror, starvation and genocide. Over 50% of those who survived now have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and studies of the mental condition reveal that children of PTSD parents will inherit the condition as well.
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53 imagesMichael Dukakis, the Governor of the State of Massachusetts, was the Democratic candidate for the President of the United States in the 1988 election. This set of photographs is from his campaign appearances, speeches, and strategy sessions during the New York and California primaries.
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151 imagesSubtract the sound of the music, the other members of a band, the applause of the audience and the distracting colors surrounding the stage and what remains for me is the essence of the musical artists.
17 imagesGary Albertson has been photographing the Wild and Scenic Metolius River and central Oregon for decades. He has pigment dispersion glaucoma that has taken his eyesight except for a slight amount of peripheral vision. That's just enough for him to hike the trails along the river near Camp Sherman, Oregon and make new images of the river environment.
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